Life at the end of the road

May 25, 2012

Late up, late in :-)

Filed under: daily doings — lifeattheendoftheroad @ 11:01 pm

Don’t expect much from me tonight chaps, it’s 23:00 and I’m just in the house, mind you I didn’t actually get out of bed until after 9:00am. Not through any kind of overindulgence but just pure whacked after a hard physical and hot day.

Before 8:00am yesterday I’d done a couple of hours work, at 10:00am today I was still in my pyjamas.

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A couple of poached ‘Arnish eggs’ setting me up nicely for the day 🙂

Shortly after that however I was out with Charlie and Molly to ‘blow the cobwebs away’ on a walk from Tarbert to Arnish. Wifey was heading for the ferry and I got her to drop us off a mile or so down ‘Calum’s road’ then we could wander back along the old ‘short cut’.

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Before the council finally adopted ‘Calum’s road’ and tarred it there was a path from here to Arnish that cut out the Rubh Crion.


Map picture


What was at one time almost a flight of steps down the steep hillside had long since vanished but we picked out a route that was probably not far from the original.

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Once on top of the hill i soaked up the fine views towards Lewis and Skye

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before finding the old path for sure.

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The evidence of which was plainly visible in these carefully positioned stones in a bog.


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Arriving at the new house site we found Bracken asleep in the old oil tank and Toots in a puddle 🙂

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As the pair of them were in the boundary of the new house/barn site I decided to keep them there out of the way. Rocky will be back shortly and I don’t want Toots getting served as she’s due for the chop 😦 With that in mind I did a few checks on the electric fence, making sure the battery was charged and no bracken  or grass was shorting out the wires.


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The Portree creel boat ‘Green Isle II’ working away in Loch Arnish as I did so.


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By midday the ‘wacky trousers’ from were on and I started loading up my trailer with sand and aggregate in the vain hope that I might get some concrete poured.

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Of course things did not go as planned and now I’m off to bed 🙂


  1. Those eggs look nice, think I’m going to have some poached eggs for breki tomorrow

    Comment by Gaz — May 25, 2012 @ 11:19 pm

    • Paul is going to have to stop eating the profits though!

      What’s the daily egg rate? Is the Arnish oeuf service up to speed yet?

      Comment by Phil Cook — May 26, 2012 @ 1:40 pm

      • Long time sice I had poached eggs, mum used to have a fancy pan to do them. Might just crack a couple into a pan of hot water tomorrow, will need to keep my strength up to watch the Monty Carlo F1 GP, best race of the season!

        Comment by Thomson Caravans — May 26, 2012 @ 7:48 pm

      • Morning Graham,

        egg poacher

        how about this for an egg poacher 🙂

        Does eighteen

        Comment by lifeattheendoftheroad — May 27, 2012 @ 6:05 am

      • Morning Phil,

        still not ‘up to speed’ on the egg front, eleven being the record so far.

        Comment by lifeattheendoftheroad — May 27, 2012 @ 6:06 am

    • Have you had your brekki yet Gaz 🙂

      Comment by lifeattheendoftheroad — May 27, 2012 @ 6:08 am

  2. looking at the eggs made me hungry! Looked good sitting on the toast.
    And I must say, gotta love them “wackey trousers” LOL.

    Comment by Susan — May 26, 2012 @ 11:36 pm

    • I love me ‘Wacky trousers’ too Susan though don’t get to wear them as much as I’d like, though I do have some long ones for PJ’s 🙂

      Comment by lifeattheendoftheroad — May 27, 2012 @ 6:00 am

  3. Don’t think I could eat 18 at one sitting! lol

    Comment by Thomson Caravans — May 29, 2012 @ 11:14 am

    • They’re only small Graham 🙂

      Comment by lifeattheendoftheroad — May 29, 2012 @ 11:20 am

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